At HOAMCO, we realize the value of having a streamlined architectural process and it is always our priority to make the lives of Board and Committee members easier.
That’s why we have a dedicated architectural review department and on-staff licensed architect. It’s also why we’ve recently partnered with SmartWebs to bring our clients SmartArchitecturals, the complete online solution for the architectural review process.
With SmartArchitecturals, homeowners can submit their architectural review requests online and have 24/7 access every step of the process.
Their cloud-based technology lets your Association review and vote on architecture requests from anywhere, then automatically notifies the homeowner of any progress.
The software sends status updates through email and automated letters – utilizing exclusive Zero-Touch Communication – keeping the homeowner, board and/or ARC, and HOA management all in-step. And, with automated and cloud-based record-keeping, all documents are archived and easily accessible for your management team.
With SmartArchitecturals, everyone can easily access and process architecture requests in your HOA community.
To learn more about SmartArchitecturals, please contact your HOAMCO community manager.
Features include:
- Online Application Submittal
- Review & Vote from Anywhere
- Status Update Emails
- Expiration Alerts
- Zero-Touch Communication
- 24/7 Online Access
- Real-Time Data
- CC&R References
- Cloud-Based Technology