The Pros And Cons Of Social Media
Many HOA’s have jumped on the social media bandwagon, while still many more have held back from getting involved online.
Both decisions have their merit, but not all Associations have the same view on social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
If you’re still on the fence and have yet to make an official decision regarding social media in your HOA, this short guide may help you with your decision.
Here are some of the most impactful pros and cons that can factor in to your decision as a Board to jump into or refrain from social media.
Easy, Cost Effective Communication
Social media can easily be paired with your current traditional marketing efforts like print advertising and mailers. It can even replace these forms of communication all-together for a fraction of the cost and double the speed.
Your Community “Lives” There
It’s important to meet people where they’re already gathering, and you may find that many of your Homeowners and Community members already use social media on a daily basis. This makes it easy to communicate events, news and important information very quickly with a potentially higher rate of consumption.
It’s A Great Showcase Of Your Community
You work hard to organize events within your Community, and showing off those events for Residents, both current and prospective, can be a great way to raise awareness of these fun events. Social media allows you the opportunity to post photos, videos and to get positive feedback on…**
Legal exposure
There are numerous potential liabilities associated with social media use such as invasion of privacy, personal information theft issues, defamation and more.
Poor Reviews
Reviews are a two-edged sword for many Associations. They give the opportunity for people to say great things about you, but conversely, a social platform can also enable incorrect information to spread very quickly. This is especially true when permanent reviews are created in retaliation for non-permanent issues.
Believe it or not, social media requires quite a bit of management in order for it to pay off. This is especially true for HOA’s, since there are so many users within your Community. Make sure you can keep up with the task of online community management before you dive into the realm of social media.
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