It goes without saying that when your community is surrounded by some of the most beautiful forest on the west coast that you would want to keep it that way! Every summer a major concern for wooded areas is the threat of wildfire. The FIREWISE program, sponsored by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), was developed to supplement efforts by local fire departments to prepare the land for wild fire season. This program encourages communities that are in areas of concern to ban together and help clear out any brush that might contribute to the spread of a fire.
On July 14th, residents of Trilogy at Redmond Ridge organized a volunteer effort to help clear brush from high risk areas throughout their community. This effort garnered the attention of KOMO News and on July 17th the community was praised for their contribution. We are very proud to be partners with a community that sets such a great example of coming together for a common goal and the good of all of their neighbors – congratulations Trilogy!