3 Steps To Prepare For Your Annual HOA Board Meeting

3 Steps To Prepare For Your Annual HOA Board Meeting

Meetings are a great way to increase involvement within your Community, and there’s no better place than at you annual HOA Board meeting to set the tone for the year to come.

Here are 3 steps to get the most out of your next annual meeting and overcome some of the speed bumps that can sometimes arise during the process.


1. Raise Awareness
One of the biggest challenges to your annual Board meeting going smoothly is proper attendance. Quite often, attendance is low simply because there is little Community awareness that the meeting is taking place. Remedy this by making it a social even that begins to generate buzz all on its own. Promote your annual meeting event with flyers, through your social channels and within your newsletters and make sure to make it fun and to increase your attendance rate.

2. Celebrate The Past & The Future
Your annual meeting is a great time for planning, elections, and voting on special items. Yet, it should also be a time of celebration for the growth and success from the past year as well as an opportunity to inspire excitement and positive outlooks for the next year. A balance of structure and celebration is essential to an annual meeting that is beneficial for all Members in attendance.

3. Keep It Constructive
A tight meeting agenda is a great tool to keep your annual meeting on track and moving forward in a constructive manner. Everyone’s time is valuable, so keep the item of discussion constructive and solution-oriented to expedite process and allow for clear action items to be recorded and acted on in the upcoming year.


We hope these tips help you plan for a more successful annual meeting event in your community. If you have any questions about the process or how your annual meeting can be improved upon, feel free to contact us for more information!




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